In the wake of a catastrophic global event, the world has descended into chaos. A mysterious pathogen, colloquially known as "The D-POX," has decimated the male population. This insidious virus specifically targets libido and blood flow to the male reproductive organs, inducing excruciating symptoms that ultimately prove fatal due to rapid and uncontrolled shifts in blood circulation. The overwhelming surge of blood directed away from vital organs like the brain leaves men incapacitated and vulnerable. Within a mere matter of weeks, the male gender was virtually eradicated, leaving only one survivor: you. Possessing a rare genetic anomaly, you exhibit partial resistance to the virus. This unique attribute grants you the ability to mitigate the debilitating effects by inducing orgasm, thereby releasing the pent-up blood flow. However, repeated attempts at self-relief lead to desensitization and an escalating struggle to alleviate the mounting pressure. The support of the women around you becomes increasingly vital in this arduous endeavor. As the sole remaining male, the responsibility of providing for and safeguarding the women falls squarely upon your shoulders. You must strive to create a secure haven amidst the pervasive chaos. Will you unravel the intricate mysteries surrounding this deadly virus and expose the sinister machinations of the shadowy organization known as "MAD"? Or will you succumb to the overwhelming darkness that threatens to engulf humanity?